How To Make Your Website Appealing To The Masses

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The internet has become the one stop shop for people around the world looking to communicate with others, educate and entertain themselves as well as purchase their daily necessities. The problem arises when we realize there is steep competition for our sites no matter what purpose they hold.

This article will tell you how you can make your site more appealing to the masses and hopefully place your page at the top of the list in your chosen niche. Continue reading to learn more and generate the web site traffic and ranking you long for and deserve.

First, you need to learn who your audience is and cater your content to them as well as base your SEO on their needs via way of specific keywords. You simply cannot base your site around an entire topic like weight loss as the competition is numerous and you will be a small fish in a large pond.

You have to define your site and narrow down the audience you seek to a specific niche. You do this by using tools like AdWords to narrow down your keywords to fit a specific audience with the least amount of competition and the largest amount of keyword searches. These tools will define your site and allow you to generate the audience you are seeking to reach.

One of the biggest issues with designing websites is that the pages often become sloppy in appearance and difficult to navigate through. Use high quality content but maintain a simple layout with a navigational panel that is easy to see and access. Horizontal bars are not a good sign when you design your page. It means you have way to much on the site, too many dead areas or entirely too much content. People do not want to scroll up and down as well as left to right to view a page. Make sure the page you design fits all screen resolutions with only the need to scroll vertically.

Try to remember that adding audio and flashing or animated graphics to your site uses excessive bandwidth and causes the site to load slowly. This is a huge turn off to visitors and will actually harm traffic to your site. We often fail to consider what the visitor is having to go through when loading a page and adding items like these to your site only leads to disappointment and people who are too impatient to wait for it to load completely before they can navigate to the section of the site they came to visit.

Always test drive your site on multiple platforms before going live to ensure that visitors will not have any issues when they access your page. This means you need to check out the site on different browsers, operating systems and portable devices ensuring that you are not losing a portion of your niche due to incompatibility issues.

Following these suggestions will allow your efforts to not only be accessible to a larger audience but also make it more appealing and user friendly. We simply want visitors to enjoy what they see with the least amount of issues as possible and in return we reap the rewards of an effective web site design.

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