Get More Clients For Your Web Design Business

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Figuring out how to get web design clients can be difficult, but it will be easier once you have some practice. Use the following guide to teach you exactly how you can get more clients. The only thing you have to do is carefully follow along!

Have a business pitch for yourself. It should include what you are able to do and what you charge generally. Make a list of the main things you do, and don’t forget to add contact information. Since web designers charge all kinds of prices due to the differences in jobs, just offer a base price if asked about it.

Nowadays you may think that business cards aren’t that relevant. This isn’t true; people still use them for business. Make sure you have some made that include a few ways to reach you. Include a phone number, email address and your website as well. Don’t make the card too cluttered and find a place where you can buy them in bulk for a low price.

Sure, you may be a freelance web designer, but you still need to dress professionally when you meet someone. This is just like going to a job interview. Save your street clothes for when you’re at home or working, and when you meet your potential clients wear something that’s more business-like.

Don’t just set a random price for your services, do your research first. It can be tempting to say that you’ll do something for a low price because you are desperate, but that’s not what you should do. Instead, look at your competition and see what they’re charging. Never go too low below them, or too high above them. You want yourself to seem like you do high quality work for prices that are just a little lower than everyone else, if possible.

Post your business pitch on online classified sites. Make sure you read any of the terms of services and all the rules on posting. Include a way to contact you as well. Since everyone can read these things, you may want to use a new email address or something so you don’t get a bunch of spam in your inbox. If someone seems serious about using your services, then give them your other contact information.

Social media sites are all the rage it seems. Everyone is using them to promote themselves or just to keep in touch with their families. This makes it a great place to find a lot of potential clients. Setting up an account is easy, all you have to do is fill out a few forms and include a picture of your logo or something that has to do with your business.

Like you learned above, it can take a little work to find clients, but it’s not impossible. You’ll have a much easier time now that you went over this guide. Keep it around for when you’re building your client list, and follow along with it to see the best results.

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